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PROFILE ![]() Junqiang Any queries, please contact Junqiang @ 81989120. email: junqiang7788@msn.com Do state who you are!:) THE 21ST FAMILY lakshmi dave ian samuel niandeng yongsiong yuming glen ona gabriel shangyang adam gwendaline weijie emerson yeeliang murali sara junqiang benjamin joel daryl augustus jung-yi nadia cindy kiefer weeling wanru weishoon waiihoong taihong yiying REACHING OUT NTU ODAC! NTU's SPORTS CLUB NUS ODAC SMUX 19th Batch SRJC ODAC SGRUNNERS LINKS GALLERY Main Gallery 2009
ODAC Camp 2009 28Feb-1Mar09 J1s Psycho Motor Test Training 21Feb09 Bukit Timah Hike 14Feb09 ODAC JC1 Trial 13Feb09 CCA Recruitment Screenshot! 11Feb09 CCA Recruitment Drive 11Feb09 NVM 2009 8Feb09 Mountain Biking Trail Maintainence 30Jan,4Feb09 SRJC Open House-ODAC 08Jan09 2008 Clearing of ODAC Room 18Nov08 Swissotel Vertical Marathon 16Nov08 Archery Course 10Oct08 RockClimbing Course 23Aug08 RockClimbing Course 23Aug part 208 wIll Run Helpout 01Aug08 Treetop Walk(ben) 19Jul08 Treetop Walk 19Jul08 Treetop Walk(wanru) 19Jul08 Ian&Glen's Birthday 11Jul08 Weeling's Birthday 23May08 FOOTSTEPS CREDITS
designedby: Gwendaline
managedby: Junqiang photosby: Junqiang host: picasa. imageshack
Monday, March 30, 2009
Training Details for 1st Apr
Hello fellow J1 and J2 ODACIANS!
As usual, training as per normal on Wednesday(1st Apr) Reporting Venue: Sports Gallery Reporting Time: 345pm Reporting Attire: Orange Odac Shirt and Shorts (J2s) Pe Shirt and Shorts (J1s) Anyway, do encourage your fellow classmates to participate in the "Off on Wheels"! Note: The change in rates- Odacians-$5 and Non-odacians-$7 (Both Bikes and Helmets) -WanRu
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Reminder from Mrs Tan:
All JC1 and SP students are reminded to meet Yong Siong at the concourse after morning assembly on Mon (30/3) to submit your parental consent forms for scuba diving. -junqiang
Friday, March 27, 2009
Photos uploaded -SMUZeroLimits
Hey SMUZeroLimits! You can now get all the photos which we took on that day of sharing session. Please click on the link at the side bar, under gallery:)
Many thanks to you guys for sharing with us your wonderful experiences! -junqiang
Hi Odacians, remember to report at Tampines MRT at 815am tomorrow. Do remember to bring along your water bottle, poncho, and a change of clothes. Cya. :)
Map of Tampines ![]() -Nian Deng
Thursday, March 26, 2009
OFF on Wheels
![]() Hi there cycling-enthusiasts from SRJC, if you're planning to register with us, you'll have to contact the events in-charge: Adam Reynolds or Benjamin Wong. Feel free to ask any odacians around you about any details, but do make sure that you visit our website often for any updates (: Other issues to address: (i) Rental of Equipment The minimum equipment for participation of the event is (1) bike and (2) a helmet. The estimated cost is $15 for both items. (ii) Movie Screening For those who sign up, there will be free movie screening of The Flying Scotsman on 03.04.09. More details on the movie screening will be updated. STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPDATES!
- Gwendaline
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Scuba Diving Updates for JC1
![]() Dear JC1s, pls refer to the schedule for scuba diving in Term 2 and refrain from missing any session unless absolutely necessary. It would be very diffcult for the vendor to come down to do any make up sessions. Details will be confirm when closer to date. ![]()
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Absentees for SWET Sharing
Absentees for SWET Sharing Session: Lakshmi D/O M Thavamany Ian Chua Jun Hao Yu Ming Glen Chua Jun Xiong Tan Wei Jie Chee Wei Jie Emerson Benjamin Wong Shang Yu Joel Tan Jun Rong Tang Min Jin Kiefer Chow Wei Shoon Phua Tai Hong Lu Shang Yang Nickhalas Nivaenthiran S/O W Lin Shunhua Tania Syahindah Bte Mohammed Rosley Liong Ming Xuan Absentees, please either present your medical certificate to Gwendaline or explain to the teachers personally by this THURSDAY. -WanRu
Please note that you are to report to gallery at 345pm sharp in college tee with college bottoms on 25th March (Wed). Please be PUNCTUAL! In your groups with the j1s, you are to reach the lobby of School of economics by 440pm. Do submit your edusave forms if you have yet to submit it to Sky(j1) and Gwen(j2). And, make any payment to Ona(j2) if needed. For odacians who have lessons, I will update you tomorrow again. (Shang Yang, Emerson, Sky, Clarence, Kiefer, Yong Siong) -WanRu
Thursday, March 19, 2009
For JC1s:
Please submit your $25 cash or edusave forms to sky on this coming monday (23rd March 2009) Time: Before Morning Assembly, around 710-715am Venue: Outside LT2 Should you not pass him the form before morning assembly, please take the initiative to contact him or find him to hand in the form. Plus, for those who have missed any trainings or meetings previously, you are to submit your medical certificates to Gwendaline(JC2) by next Wed. -wanru
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Upcoming Events
Deployment for "OFF on WHEELS"- For JC2s (excluding SP students)
Overall IC: Adam Ground Crew- Overall: Wee Ling, Samuel Group 1 Augustus, Wei Shoon Group 2 Nian Deng, Wan Ru Group 3 Daryl, Nadia Group 4 Wei Jie, Izzy Trail Marshal Ian, Yee Liang, Yu Ming, Joel Mechanic Support Glen, Kiefer Publicity Group Overall IC: Benjamin Publicity/Welfare Lakshimi, Dave, Yi Ying, Murali, Cindy Secretariat/ Treasurer/Photographer Ona, Gwen, Gabriel, Jun Qiang First Aid Support Emerson, Benjamin -wanru
SWET Sharing Session for J1s and J2s
Heya all J1s and J2s! Once again, in case some of you guys never check out the schedule,
there will be a sharing session by SWET tmr @ at the seminar room @ 8.45am. Come to school in your school attire. For J2s who are taking H2 Chemistry, there will be a make-up lesson for what you guys have missed on Friday when we went to Mount Ophir. Lesson's at 1pm@ seminar room .Bring along your cabonyl assignment. For J1s and SP students, please stay back after SWET for scuba-diving registration. at 11.15am @ seminar room See you! junqiang
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
CIP @ Peiying Primary School
Coolios all! tmr's the CIP @ Peiying Primary School
just some updates: Date: 18th March 09 Reporting time: 6.30am Reporting Venue: Khatib MRT Station Reporting Attire: ODAC Shirt + PE Shorts For OGLS, please bring along a camera. If both OGLs in a group do not have, ask around to see if any other people have them. For Game station masters, please prepare your logistics beforehand so that you are prepared for tmr's activities. For all, please bring along $25 to pay up for your biking workshop. PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL.PUNCTUAL.PUNCTUAL. Rest well! junqiang
Monday, March 16, 2009
ODAC shirt 2 design
![]() Hey J2s! Here's the design for the our 2nd ODAC shirt. i need you guys to confirm with me whether you want the school crest on the shirt.please feedback to me asap by this wed so i can send for printing:) hope you guys like it! junqiang
ODAC March Holidays Schedule (ODAC week)
![]() Hey guys! March holidays will be a busy week for all of us. i have attached the list of activities for this week. Do take a look! For the night cycling on 20th March, do note that it is an UNOFFICIAL event. Purely volunteerary and for fun! anyone interested, please drop Adam a message @ 98313614. Don't forget to include your name! P.S. Everyone should try and make it cause it's going to be fun Junqiang:)
ODAC JC1 Swim Test Schedule
Hey J1s! Below is the swim test schedule. Please refer to it, and report accordingly.
Reminders: Pls report to Hougang Swimming Complex (Adult Pool) at your respective timings. Be prepared to swim 200m (non stop in any stroke w/o time limit) Remember to bring $25 on thurs. ![]() P.s Any problems, you can reach me @ 81989120
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Congratualation JC2s!
To the JC2s:
Congrats for conquering Mount Ophir, well done!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Cycling on 16th March
Hey J1 ODACians!
Due to the rain on Friday the 13th, cycling was cancelled. So now it's postponed to Monday (: Its not compulsory, but those who are interested, meet at the Concourse, 2.30pm. Those who can't cycle, please do try and make it (: Happy Weekend everybody!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Unofficial Training for J1s on 13th March
Hey all!
J1s, cycling at East Coast Park Way tomorrow! meet at concourse, 3.45pm, for those who can make it (: and don't forget to bring the ODAC form plus the 10 dollars for the insurance. All the best to J2s going on the Mount Ophir trip (: Have fun and take care guys!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Training as usual for J1s
Hello there!
To Fellow J1s: There will be training for just you all tomorrow, details are as follow: Reporting time: 345pm Reporting Venue: Sports Gallery Reporting Attire: Pe attire ForJ2s who are still in the midst or at their last few papers, hang on!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Notice for Training on 6th March
Hey all! Please note that there will be NO TRAINING for J1s and J2s tmr, 6th March (Friday) due to the release of 'A' Levels Results!
To all J2s out there, KEEP GOING and never give up. STUDY HARD for the Common Test, and PLAY HARD for Mount Ophir Trip! To all J1s, play while you can. But start studying for your exams! It's never too late to start!=) Cheers to ODAC!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Training Details for 4th March
Hey j1s future-to-be odacians, and j2s
Training Details: Date: 04/03/09 (Wed) -Reporting Time: 3.45pm -Reporting Venue: Sports Gallery -Reporting Attire: J1s- Pe attire and shorts J2s- ODAC Orange Shirt and shorts |